Forging Defense Manufacturing Consortium (FDMC) connects stakeholders of the forging supply chain to address technical and enterprise challenges through collaborative research. FDMC is results driven, and strives to rapidly investigate, develop and deploy solutions to harness the value of forgings which offer unparalleled strength, toughness and durability.

The program is investigating, developing and deploying concepts to improve the quality, productivity and technology of the US forging industry. Ultimately, the FDMC teams are striving to implement this suite of solutions across industry and government to support the warfighter requiring forged components.

Identify, investigate, develop, and deploy technical and enterprise solutions to improve capability and competitiveness of the forging industry in support of US government forging supply chains. Facilitate timely and accurate information exchange and program coordination between the United States government agencies, non-government agencies, industry customers and suppliers.
FDMC is the nexus for the forging industry and the United States Government.
Technology Areas